Friday, July 19, 2013

Hike in Sedona

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We went on an "easy" hiking trail right out side Sedona. Guess it's all relative! My challenge was climbing up the rocks to get to the Devil's Bridge that you can walk out on where there is a cliff on either side. One which if you were to fall off of that would be the last. Just getting to the part where you walk out on the bridge was the scariest for this one who is deathly afraid of falling. I put my big girl panties on and was brave!
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Our short stay in Sedona was lovely. Would love to go back and spend more time in this town! It's a winding road down the mountain to get here but well worth it!

Our venture out west this summer to the Grand Canyon started with a stop to see the trains in the Middle of Nowhere, New Mexico. I couldn't believe all the trains that we caught in such a short period of time. And as we drove on down the road, we kept seeing one after the other! It was fun for my railfanning son!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Love to travel

My parents were golfers. Pretty good ones too! Since I was 10, they hauled me around the south and mid south from golf course to golf course, some for visiting, some for full fledged moves. Not a lot of fun for me, but I did like to see new places and I learned how to pick up a household and move it, something I did myself often! Till I had kids... I've been in Central Indiana for 10 years. A long time in the same house even for this vagabond.... 

I'm loving that the kids are teens now and love to camp and travel around the country. My son is a racing mountain biker and we often camp at his race sites which are almost all state parks in Indiana. My mom lives in the panhandle of Florida and my sister in Colorado! These all offer us many opportunities to travel. I also travel to places for training for Tai Chi and Qigong as well as conferences for keeping up my CEU's for being a Health Educator.

I hope you enjoy seeing my travels... ~Amy